The National Constitution Party has four major regions that consists of the Western Region, the Mid-West Region, the Southern Region, and the Eastern Region. The Eastern Region includes all the states from Maine to West Virginia plus DC. Each region has a unique feel and character of it’s own.
Here in the northeast, we have the oldest industrialized cities and active ports. Moreover, when you look at the various states and sub-regions, the northeast is a amazing microcosm of the people and communities that later developed across the entire country.

When you look at these same states through a two-party political lens, it often appears to be predominantly blue, however, that’s only with respect to the tally of legislative seats, which speaks more to election integrity than anything. The PEOPLE of this region are much more down to Earth than what is reflected in the blue/red splotches that adorn customary media and Party propaganda.
Members of the Constitution Party are penetrating this thinly veiled facade as Americans wake up to the uni-party that has developed. Although political polarization exists all over MSM and in the minds of professional TV-watchers, the overwhelming majority of observant Americans now see that BOTH Parties have merged into a self-protecting system of career politicians that act with absolute impunity. I frequently call them Republicrats…..The left & right arm of the same monster!
Everyone wants to live their life as they wish and govern their own matters and raise their own kids and manage their own property. Sadly, things have degraded to the point that our financial system / currency is about to collapse and our food supply is threatened and our energy supplies are being artificially manipulated and now government is literally claiming supreme control over your biology. Moreover, in a act of outright Treason and ill-fated despotism, the current regime is about to yield control of the USA to the WHO!
Members of the Constitution Party are currently repopulating their own government starting at the local level, where the tires meet the road. From there, state & federal governments are being put on notice that We The People do NOT consent to their arrogant overreach. Parents are repopulating School Committees fixated on social engineering. Homeowners are repopulating Planning Boards and running Agenda 21 (2030) out of town. Farmers and nutritionists are repopulating Boards of Health and rolling back onerous regulations.
Democrats and Republicans have abandoned the values of liberals and conservatives. In fact, D’s & R’s don’t actually stand for anything, other than their own personal gain. If you have to engineer and change your Platform (value system) every election cycle in a attempt to calculate swaying just enough votes to win….then these are not “values” to them; they’re political poker chips to be bargained away.
The second great revolution to secure our nation’s independence and our liberty & freedom has already begun and we’d love to have you be part of it. Please get involved TODAY and reach out to your state leadership. EVERYONE has a skill-set or passion that will make our Constitution Party team stronger. Welcome!
~Massachusetts State Motto