Category: Economy

  • Special LIVE Video Conference with Tom DeWeese of the American Policy Center

    Special LIVE Video Conference with Tom DeWeese of the American Policy Center

    I have some fantastic news for Constitution Party members AND supporters! One of my personal long time mentors regarding private property rights, regional planning scams, and the UN’s “Global-To-Local” control grid is Tom DeWeese of the American Policy Center and National Grassroots Coordinator for CFACT. I spent more than 17 years on my town’s Conservation…

  • Patriot’s Day Event At Minuteman National Park

    Patriot’s Day Event At Minuteman National Park

    Join us on April 19th at the Minuteman National Park to celebrate Patriot’s Day.



    In December of 1963, a congressman from Florida reading into the Congressional Record, a synopsis of Cleon Skousen’s book “The Naked Communist” now known as “The 45 Goals of Communism.” Aside from those goals pertaining to 50’s & 60’s / Cold War era Soviet Russia, the remaining communist goals are currently and actively being instituted.…

  • Student Debt Cancellation

    Student Debt Cancellation

    Progressives across the country, in true Marxist form, have partnered with the Mockingbirds and Big Tech to dupe you into believing that Biden can lawfully cancel student loan debt. Moreover, this same gaggle of socialist nincompoops are astonishingly trying to further convince Americans that this is a economic boost…..o_0 As always, let’s look towards the…