I’m excited to announce that The Center for American Studies has invited me to speak at their major Patriot’s Day event on April 19th at the Minuteman National Park in Concord, Massachusetts. We’ll be within site of the Old North Bridge where the British Redcoats were put on notice and “the shot heard around the world” was fired, signalling America’s commitment to liberty and independence.
This is going to be a HUGE event! I’ll be sharing the stage with former Governor William Weld, Dennis Kucinich, Tulsi Gabbard, and Robert F. Kennedy Jr. to name a few. The theme of the event relates to fostering grassroots civic engagement and Public Service. Organizers sought to include non-establishment representation from each political Party and I’m honored to represent the Constitution Party.
According to RFK Jr.’s resent Tweet, I expect him to make a major announcement at this event…

I’m calling on ALL patriots from throughout the area to stand with me on this special Patriot’s Day! Your Republic, your entire country, is being devoured and subjugated by the relentless pursuit of Cultural Marxism in America. And due to our apathy and attempts to comply our way out of tyranny, our once free nation now teeters on the edge of global serfdom; complete autocratic control of every thought and action. Independence replaced with soviet style collectivism.
I’m going to take this opportunity to bring a firm and committed constitutional message to those in attendance AND those influencers I’m sharing the stage with. The solution is the Constitution! This is not the time to mince words or engage in factless and fruitless rhetoric that dances around the true threats to Americans; it’s time to speak with absolute clarity and boldness.
So in the same spirit of liberty and independence that filled the hearts of Minutemen 248 years ago, I’m asking you to join me on this day to once again reject government tyranny, assert our sovereign independence, and muster our patriot brothers and sisters to the defense of our rights and the setting of brush fires of liberty across this great nation.
Please help me get the word out by sharing this event notice with your friends and other patriot groups. I’d sure love to see some friendly faces in the crowd for moral support AND to network with incoming patriots. Moreover, let us revive that moral fortitude that once inspired the hearts of those that originally secured our liberties and let it fill our hearts today. Thanks again for your support and I hope to see you of the 19th in Concord.
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