I have some fantastic news for Constitution Party members AND supporters!

One of my personal long time mentors regarding private property rights, regional planning scams, and the UN’s “Global-To-Local” control grid is Tom DeWeese of the American Policy Center and National Grassroots Coordinator for CFACT. I spent more than 17 years on my town’s Conservation Commission and 13 of those years as Department Head. I also served a stint on Planning Board and Agent to several Health Boards. I witnessed first hand how the socialist musings of global government manifest themselves in our cities and towns through off-the-shelf by-laws proposed (pushed) by your familiar Regional Planning Commissions.
I learned that the truth and the full impacts of these non-local planning schemes are always cloaked in utopian imagery and clever wordsmithing.

I also learned that these destructive and unconstitutional intrusions can be identified and stopped. Small groups of organized people have everything they need to successfully defend their rights AND local control.
I call the processes and procedures of the “Planning Community” deviantly brilliant for a reason. However, this method of achieving the image of public buy-in is very powerful and allusive, it is also very fragile and susceptible to the bright light of day. In fact it quickly begins to crumble as awareness increases.
Let’s dive deeper into this…..
There’s a very important moment of vulnerability that exists when dangerous policies are being pushed in your city or town and it’s when they advertise a “public input” session that purports to seek your opinion. These are highly controlled psychological environments that are designed and structured to yield the outcome and imagery they want. Facilitators, Moderators and Change Agents will structure the meeting and walk you right through the process until you think their bad idea is your good idea. Manufactured Consent!
This is a double edged sword that can be easily recognized and turned against them. A small group of informed people that recognize that they’re under psychological attack can regain control of the dialogue and convince an entire hall full of voters into defending their rights and the Constitution.
More good news…..
I’ve scheduled Tom DeWeese of the American Policy Center to introduce his Freedom Pods project at our monthly meeting on February 19th at 7pm. Moreover, we’ve partnered up to develop a series of webinars and trainings and downloadable materials for our various Constitution Party Affiliates to readily access. Our goal is to train and equip a civilian army of Americans with the awareness and tools they need to sustain a local network of constitutional watchdogs that immediately reacts to politicized agendas like Sustainable Development and Climate Change.
- DATE: Monday February 19th
- TIME: 7pm Eastern
- PLACE: Online / Zoom
If you’re interested in attending this important first meeting, please sign up to my mailing list so I can send you the link and a reminder.
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